We’ve Split Up.  Now What? – Part 2

The first installment of my article “We’ve Split Up.  Now What?” covered how property is divided in a separation. Part 2 below discusses parenting in separation and what you should know to protect your assets before entering a new relationship.  What to do about the kids Sorting out childcare arrangements can be overwhelming and frustrating- … Read more >

Shareholder Agreements: Mitigating Risk, Maximising Success

How does a shareholder’s agreement promote success in business? When it comes to business in New Zealand, laying down a solid foundation is paramount for longevity and success. The excitement and rush of getting into business often diverts your  attention from important documentation necessary to regulate relationships, collective management of the business and most especially … Read more >

First Home Buyers Guide

Buying your first home is an exciting milestone, but it can also be overwhelming and stressful. As a first home buyer, there are many things to consider and decisions to make. It is important that when you’re navigating the purchase of your first home, to consult with a lawyer as they can help break down … Read more >

Trust-busting when a relationship ends: the new rule from the Supreme Court

In June 2023, the Supreme Court of New Zealand released a long-awaited decision in the case of Sutton v Bell.  Executive summary The effect of the decision in Sutton v Bell is that it has now become easier to bust assets out of a trust after a relationship ends.  The Court ruled that s44 of … Read more >