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Crystal Martin

Crystal Martin




Crystal is a solicitor in the Dispute Resolution and Family Law team.

Crystal’s main practice area is dispute resolution, focused on relationship property and civil matters.

Crystal has experience with:

  • negotiating and drafting separation and relationship property agreements;
  • providing independent advice and certifying pre-nuptial agreements / agreements in which parties in a relationship contract out of the Property (Relationships) Act 1979 and make their own terms regarding their joint and separate property;
  • advising clients on contract disputes (including debt recovery, insurance and construction contract matters);
  • acting for clients on claims brought under the Family Protection Act 1955 and other estate disputes;
  • advising on trust obligations (including applications to the Court for directions regarding trustee and beneficiary obligations);
  • advising on occupational and property arrangements; and
  • drafting documents for court proceedings.

In addition, Crystal’s experience includes assisting with:

  • providing litigation support for barristers in High Court Proceedings involving claims for breach of fiduciary duty and undue influence; and
  • applications for appointments of property managers and welfare guardians.

Crystal takes pride in her polite, diligent, and client-focused approach.

Crystal volunteers for Community Law Waikato and Citizens Advice Bureau.
